"My serial num..." Again a backhand, harder this time, and I tasted teeth rolling across my tongue.
He went to swing again, when it hit him.
Shattering glass.
A zipping like a bee on steroids.
A dull squish, like a bag of meat getting cut open.
Hot blood sprayed from the sniper's bullet though his neck as his girth came slamming down in my lap; his last breaths pulling though his new neck hole. As his eyes started to gloss over I whispered...
"SPEAR, I work for SPEAR..."
Game Hacks: stelau4
1. Unlimted ammo
2. No reload
3. No gun kick
4. Enabled perfect shot (means the gun will not move around will trying to aim)
5. Instant target finder (means scan enemy to find main target time nulled)
6. Burst cooldown nulled
7. Very high damage
8. Disabled rate me as its nots available in all country's
9. Signature bypassed
